
Pearl and rose quartz steven universe
Pearl and rose quartz steven universe

pearl and rose quartz steven universe

When a Robonoid is destroyed, it splatters everywhere.

  • Healing Potion: Flask Robonoids dispense an unidentified substance that can repair warp pads.
  • Floating Limbs: Flask and Plug Robonoids walk on rigid cylinders that float around their body which are also fully retractable.

    They ignore any other form of life, including full humans, even if they attack the drone. Enemy-Detecting Radar: Shattering Robonoids have scanners that seek out Gems.The Dreaded: The Shattering Robonoids are feared by the Off Colors, since these drones are programmed to destroy them on sight.This seems to be because its Lightning Gun was damaged. Defeat Equals Explosion: The Shattering Robonoids blow up when destroyed, including the last one that was impaled by a rock.Not as cute when they Zerg Rush Steven to shove him into space. Cute Machines: The Flask Robonoids are diminutive and seems to have some level of sentience and independence.Crippling Overspecialization: The Shattering Robonoids have no way of tracking Gems besides scanning their gemstones and are unable to detect anything that doesn't have a gemstone.Cool Shades: By the movie, Peridot has a new fleet of flask robonoids, which look the same except they now sport the same Triangular Shades she does.The latter term is foreign to Homeworld, and so Steven had to explain it to Peridot. Call a Rabbit a "Smeerp": Consistently called "robonoids", never "robots".Attack Drone: The Shattering Robonoids fly around the nooks and crannies of Homeworld, seeking out dissident Gems to destroy.The conical Attack Drones are called "Shattering Robonoids". The small spherical repair drones are called "Flask Robonoids" and giant ones are called "Plug Robonoids". Mechanical drones used by the Homeworld Gems. The one seen orbiting the Human Zoo is seemingly in between these sizes, about as big as the Ruby ship. Your Size May Vary: When Garnet throws Amethyst at the Red Eye, it seems less than ten meters wide, but later on seems large enough to actually crush all of Beach City at once.Starter Villain: The first threat capable of destroying Steven's home, and the first to give him a turning point in really connecting to his mom's abilities.Then it is revealed to be one of many drone probes sent out to survey parts of space, which leads to Homeworld re-involving itself in the story at large. Small Role, Big Impact: At first it seems to some sort of interstellar monster that just randomly shows up.Red Eyes, Take Warning: With good reason, to the point that apparently just one is needed to be stationed as a guard to the Human Zoo, a place treasured by Blue Diamond.

    pearl and rose quartz steven universe

    Considering its role as a probe, it likely did so because it saw the Crystal Gems in the first place. Colony Drop: Attempts this on the Crystal Temple.In "Marble Madness", it is finally revealed to have been an interstellar Homeworld Gem probe, apparently sent by Peridot. Word Of God has confirmed that it is not a Gem monster and thus by extension is not a Corrupted Gem. It is referred to as " a Red Eye", implying it is not unique. A giant jewel-like eye that tried to crash into the Crystal Temple.

    Pearl and rose quartz steven universe